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时间:2023-11-28 19:25:04  公招网(www.gongzhao.com)


PostDoc in the nowcasting of forest stress and damage 80-100% (f/m/d)

Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research

Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL

The Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL is part of the ETH Domain. Approximately 600 people work on the sustainable use and protection of the environment and on the handling of natural hazards.

The Research Unit Forest Dynamics assesses the effects of changing environmental conditions on forest ecosystem functioning. From February 2024 , we are offering a two-year position as

PostDoc in the nowcasting of forest stress and damage 80-100% (f/m/d)

You will investigate and analyze data from tree- and soil-based sensors which provide close-to-real-time information on tree water availability, tree water deficit and growth and link this data sets together with climatic and other information (including remote sensing data) to models that allow stress nowcasting on larger special scales within the interdisciplinary SNF sinergia project UpScale.

This position requires independent and creative thinking to formulate hypotheses, familiarity with plant ecophysiology and a PhD in Biology, Ecology, Environmental or Data science or comparable fields. Proven experience in forest ecosystem modelling is necessary and experience in the use of remote sensing products is highly appreciated. You have a very good command of English, knowledge of German is an advantage.

We offer the candidate to be part of a diverse group with complimentary expertise, relevant for this project and with a strong collaborative philosophy. You will benefit from a world-leading academic environment at WSL and ETH Zürich (joint SNF sinergia project). The funding for this project is 2 years. Your working place will be at WSL in Birmensdorf (approx. 20 min outside of Zurich) and there will be strong interactions with groups at ETH Zurich.

Interested? Please send your complete application to Stefania Pe, Human Resources WSL, by uploading the requested documents through our webpage. Applications via email will not be considered. The WSL strives to increase the proportion of women in its employment, which is why qualified women are particularly called upon to apply for this position.

For further information about the project please visit the UpScale project website https: // form.ethz.ch/research/upscale.html. Questions regarding the position can be directed by email or phone (no applications) to project PI Arthur Gessler (arthur.gessler@wsl.ch, +41 44 739 28 18).


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