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时间:2023-10-22 11:35:03  公招网(www.gongzhao.com)


都柏林大学(University College Dublin),又称都柏林大学学院,简称UCD或UC Dublin,位于爱尔兰都柏林,是一所公立研究型大学。

学校始建于1854年,由约翰・亨利・纽曼任第一任校长,1997年更名为爱尔兰国立都柏林大学。都柏林大学是世界大学联盟、Universitas 21、全球大学高研院联盟 和欧洲大学协会的成员之一。都柏林大学属于爱尔兰国立大学系统下属的4个成员之一。



UCD Post-doctoral Researcher Level 1 or Level 2

University College Dublin

Applications are invited for a temporary post of a Post-doctoral Researcher within UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics.

A Post-doctoral researcher is sought (at PD level 1 or PD level 2), with expertise in atmospheric science, probabilistic forecast models and renewable energy sources (RES). The main responsibility of the position is to conduct leading edge research in developing a probabilistic, high-resolution model for onshore wind, offshore wind and PV for Ireland and surrounding regions from 2000-2050. The model will use input from historical system data and ensembles of recent atmospheric model data such as ERA5 and CMIP6. This model will then be used to investigate generation and security of supply for different climate scenarios, different proposed RES infrastructures, and the impact and mitigation of extreme weather events on a high renewable energy source (RES) dependent network.

Salary range: 欧元42,782 - 欧元49,117 per annum or 欧元50,539 per annum

Appointment on the above range will be dependent upon qualifications and experience.

Closing date: 17:00hrs (local Irish time) on 31st of October 2023.

Applications must be submitted by the closing date and time specified. Any applications which are still in progress at the closing time of 17:00hrs (Local Irish Time) on the specified closing date will be cancelled automatically by the system. UCD are unable to accept late applications.

UCD do not require assistance from Recruitment Agencies. Any CV's submitted by Recruitment Agencies will be returned.

The PD1 position is intended for early stage researchers, either just after completion of a PhD or for someone entering a new area for the first time. If you have already completed your PD1 stage in UCD or will soon complete a PD1, or you are an external applicant whose total Postdoctoral experience, inclusive of the duration of the advertised post, would exceed 4 years, you should not apply and should refer to PD2 posts instead.


The PD2 post is intended for researchers that have completed PD1. As with the PD1, if you have already completed your PD2 stage in UCD or will soon complete a PD2, or your total Postdoctoral experience, inclusive of the duration of the advertised post, would exceed 6 years, you should not apply and should refer to Research Fellow posts instead.


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