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时间:2023-05-31 08:28:49  公招网(www.gongzhao.com)


贝勒医学院(Baylor College of Medicine)是美国休斯敦的一所私立医药学校,被认为是全美最杰出的医学院之一,获中国教育部认证。学校在世界范围内的生物医药研究领域处于领先地位,学校最早建立于一九零零年,迄今为止已经有一百多年的悠久历史了。


Postdoctoral Associate- Population and Environmental Health Disparities

Baylor College of Medicine

Job Description

The Center for Precision Environmental Health (CPEH) and the Department of Medicine, Section of Epidemiology and Population Sciences at Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) is seeking a Postdoctoral Associate to join the Program in Population and Environmental Health Disparities. The CPEH is home to the Gulf Coast Center for Precision Environmental Health (GC-CPEH), a NIEHS P30 Environmental Health Sciences Core Center, a NIEHS T32 Training in Precision Environmental Health Sciences (TPEHS) program, and a Center of Excellence in Environmental Health Disparities Research, The Maternal and Infant Environmental Health Riskscape (MIEHR) Research Center, funded by NIMHD, NIEHS and NICHD.

Current projects within the Program include investigations of environmental chemical exposures, non-chemical stressors, and a range of health outcomes including preterm birth, fetal growth, maternal morbidity, and child neurodevelopment. Research themes within the Program include interrogating the contribution of the environmental riskscape to health disparities; the impact of climate change and disasters on vulnerable populations; health effects of environmental mixtures; identifying sensitive windows of exposure to environmental chemicals; environmental justice; and community engagement. The postdoctoral associate will work directly with Drs. Elaine Symanski and Kristina Whitworth, with interactions with other faculty and staff, and will be given the opportunity to pursue independent lines of inquiry related to the impact of the environment on health.

Job Duties

・Participates in multiple research projects involving study design and implementation, data collection, statistical analyses and publication.

・Gains experience in the following:

・Preparing study protocols.

・Designing data collection tools.

・Developing research proposals in pursuit of independent funding opportunities.

Minimum Qualifications

・MD or Ph.D. in Basic Science, Health Science, or a related field.

・No experience required.

Preferred Qualifications

・Ph.D. in epidemiology, biostatistics, environmental health, or related field.

・Strong quantitative, methodologic, and statistical analysis skills.

・Knowledge of SAS or R programming language.

・Knowledge of environmental health disparities.

・Experience working with multi-omics data sets, geographic information systems, relational databases, and statistical approaches to deal with environmental mixtures.

Applicant Instructions

With your application, please submit a cover letter highlighting past experience and alignment of future career goals with this position, a CV, and the names and contact information for three references


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